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Accounting and Finance
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Rating Form
Do you know these words?
The aim of this activity is to measure the number of words that you know on this topic. Below is a list of words related to this topic. Some of them are real English words, but some are wrong. Click on the ones that are real, and ignore the wrong ones. Clicking real words will increase your score, but clicking wrong ones will decrease it. When you have finished, click on the 'Check Answer' button. The program will give you feedback and advice on which words you need to learn.

Your score:
The real words of the wrong words are shown in blue.

acceptable accrue additional administer amend
assets assistment
authorization balance benchmark
breach budgetlybudget capital conclusion conduct
costs creditur
credits current
debit debter
decrease deferral demand
discrepancy dispatched dispute dividended
draft drop efficience
entity equity
excess exemptioness
expenditure fall financed
findings forecast goodwill importance incentive
incur in-depth indicate interim
invoice irregularities loophole marginle
obsolete overheads overseed
oversight percentage
period precautionary precedure
promptness purchase
questionnaire recommendative
reconcile record
recoup receiept
reduce regret regulation
retain rise risk satisfaction satisfied
significant sole-trader solveing
split substantial supersede supplement
terms timly
traced trend intertake
valuable varianse
warranty withhold  

Match the word to the definition

Fill in the gap with the best word.
  1. The company decided to down-sizownsize half the workers in the parts division because of the poor economic climate.
    (Answer: downsize / down-size)
  2. We have decided to amend our policy in order to include new employees in the Christmas bonus program.
    (Answer: amend )
  3. If you miss any payments on your loan, it will be considered a breach of the contract.
    (Answer: breach )
  4. Harry got a substantial raise as a result of his excellent work on the project last month.
    (Answer: substantial )
  5. We need to take some precautionary measures to make sure that an accident of this sort never happens again.
    (Answer: precautionary )
  6. In-depth interviews were carried out with manufacturers, retailers and consumers concerning their size charts, views on fit and customer satisfaction.
    (Answer: In-depth )
  7. We have decided it is the best way to transport our products in or out of any country in a timely and safe manner.
    (Answer: timely )
  8. It is understood the discrepancy being disputed between the chairman and vice-president came as the result of a misunderstanding.
    (Answer: discrepancy )
  9. Promotional giveaways can help create goodwill towards a company and promote its brand image.
    (Answer: goodwill )
  10. Price rises in the past eight months had helped recoup the extra cost of scrap and restore profit margins.
    (Answer: recoup )
  11. Management offered the sales team a $500 incentive for each car sold.
    (Answer: incentive )
  12. The market for this technological innovation is at an all-time high and is being used as a benchmark for trends and comparisons.
    (Answer: benchmark )
  13. Many experts predict that cloud computing will completely supersede desktop computing within the not-too-distant future.
    (Answer: supersede )
  14. You may have a deferral on your payments for one month but after that interest will accrue.
    (Answer: deferral )
  15. Of those surveyed, about 70% agreed that higher pay based on competence or extra qualifications would help retain more quality staff.
    (Answer: retain )
  16. The company was successful because of its use of loopholes in the rules to avoid paying taxes.
    (Answer: loopholes )
  17. The figures in the ledger did not reconcile with the bank statement.
    (Answer: reconcile )
  18. The company released an interim report on the state of the company; the full report would come at the end of the financial year.
    (Answer: interim )
  19. The company was well known for the way it dispatcheelivered its products on time and without any problems.
    (Answer: dispatched / delivered )
  20. Most lower ranked employees believed there was an excess of staff at management level and that was why the business was losing money.
    (Answer: excess )
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