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Using Questions to Collect Data for a Research Study

After determining the overall purpose of the research, the next step is to put together a detailed plan.

A study can be designed to investigate multiple dimensions of the issue or investigate a single, specific point about the issue. The researcher desires to understand views of participants in a manner that allows the survey to flow smoothly and move carefully from question to question. Easier questions should be asked early in the survey with more challenging or personal questions asked later in the survey after rapport and trust has been a least somewhat developed.

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Task One

This exercise consists of choosing the best question for multiple choice questions. Read both questions and choose which is better for collecting data.

Task Two

This exercise consists of choosing the best question for ranking or scale questions. Read both questions and choose which is better for collecting data.

Task Three

This exercise consists of choosing the best question for Likert scale questions. Read both questions and choose which is better for collecting data.

Task Four

This exercise consists of choosing the best question for rating questions. Read both questions and choose which is better for collecting data.

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