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Reflexive pronouns

A reflexive verb is a verb whose subject and direct object are the same e.g. I dress myself.

There are not many verbs in English which we must always use with reflexive pronouns.

Example of these are:

To pride oneself (on), to absent oneself, to avail oneself (of), to perjure oneself.

The reflexive pronouns are: myself, yourself, himself, herself, oneself, itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves.

The following verbs are most often found with reflexive pronouns:

amuse, cut, dry, enjoy, hurt, introduce, kill, prepare and teach.
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Rating Form
Drag and drop (Elementary)

Choose the correct reflexive pronoun from the box below and fill in the space in each sentence.

Sentence Rewriting (Advanced)

Rewrite the sentences that follow using the word given + the appropriate reflexive pronoun. Do not change the form of the word in the box. You may have to change the structure of the sentence.

Would you like to take another drink?HELP
Would you like to help yourself to another drink?
  1. I had to be satisfied with dry bread and cheese. CONTENT
    I had to content myself with dry bread and cheese.
  2. I imagined that I was an award winning novelist.SAW
    I saw myself as an award winning novelist.
  3. The chef worked busily in the kitchen.BUSIED
    The chef busied himself in the kitchen.
  4. I wish the pupils would be good.BEHAVE
    I wish the pupils would behave themselves.
  5. She is learning how to put her own clothes on. DRESS
    She is learning how to dress herself.
  6. Don’t feel sorry that you broke the glass. BLAME
    Don’t blame yourself for breaking the glass.
  7. Angel is very pleased that she broke the record.PRIDES
    Angel prides herself on breaking the record.
  8. The student said he could not attend the lesson.ABSENTED
    The student absented himself from the lesson.
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