Hope + will/Wish + would

In Chinese, the same word is used for both hope and wish. In English, hope is used for things that have a real possibility of happening. This is expressed with a present or future tense or an infinitive. We use wish to express regret that something is not as we would like it to be.

I wish you will visit me again.
I hope you will visit me again.
I hope I could give you a more expensive gift.
I wish I could give you a more expensive gift.

1. Hope is similar to a type 1 conditional and is followed by a clause in the present or future tense e.g.
I hope you enjoy your birthday.
I hope you will work hard.
I hope you would work hard.

2. Wish is similar to a Type 2 or type 3 conditional and is followed by a clause with a verb in the past tense or the conditional.
I wish I could get a first class degree.
I wish I will get a first class degree.
I wish I hadn’t missed so many lectures.

3. Wish can be followed by an object pronoun in the sense of hoping somebody will have or attain something good.
Wish +someone + something
e.g. I wish you a safe journey.

Wish or hope?
Select the correct verb in the space provided.
  1. I hope Check you impress the interview panel tomorrow.
  2. I hope Check they offer you a high salary.
  3. I wish Check you had a more conscientious attitude.
  4. We hope Check our son has a successful future.
  5. I wish Checkyou were more like your mother.
  6. We wish Check we had a more generous budget for the renovations.
  7. I hope CheckI never see that man again.
  8. I wish CheckI had not lost my temper with the client.
  9. We wish Check our pupils a safe journey and a memorable homestay.
  10. I hope Check you will never forget me.

Sentence completion
Complete the following sentences:

e.g. It is raining hard and we have planned a picnic for this afternoon.  I hope ....
Suggested answers:
I hope it stops raining.
1. You have failed your driving test 5 times already. I hope .....
Your Answer:
Suggested answers:
I hope you pass next time.
Tip: The verb should be in the present or future tense.
2. You are going on holiday tomorrow. I hope .....
Your Answer:
Suggested answers:
I hope you have a good time.
Tip: The verb should be in the present or future tense.
3. It’s cold (and I hate cold weather). I wish .....
Your Answer:
Suggested answers:
I wish it were warmer.
Tip: The verb should be in the conditional.
4. Ray can’t come to my party tomorrow (and he’s my best friend). I wish .....
Your Answer:
Suggested answers:
I wish he could come.
Tip: The verb should be in the conditional.
5. I need an IELTS score of 7 to get the scholarship. I hope .....
Your Answer:
Suggested answers:
I hope I get a 7 or more.
Tip: The verb should be in the present or future tense.
6. I didn’t bring the map and now we’re lost. I wish .....
Your Answer:
Suggested answers:
I wish I had brought the map/I wish I hadn’t forgotten the map.
Tip: The verb should be in the past perfect tense.
7. If I don’t lose some weight, I won’t win the race. I hope .....
Your Answer:
Suggested answers:
I hope I lose some weight.
Tip: The verb should be in the present or future tense.
8. I have to work tomorrow (but I’d like to stay at home). I wish .....
Your Answer:
Suggested answers:
I wish I could stay at home.
Tip: The verb should be in the conditional.

I wish + would OR I hope + present tense
In this exercise, you have to read the scenario and then write a sentence with either wish + would or hope + present tense.

e.g. It’s snowing and you want to go out, but not in the snow. What do you say?
I wish it would stop snowing.
I hope it stops snowing.
1. The neighbour’s dog is barking and I can’t get to sleep.
Your Answer:
I wish it would stop barking.
I hope it stops barking.
2. I love flowers and it’s my birthday tomorrow.
Your Answer:
I wish someone would give me some flowers.
I hope someone gives me some flowers.
3. I’m waiting for my boyfriend. He’s late and I’m getting worried.
Your Answer:
I wish he would come soon.
I hope he comes soon.
4. I’ve applied for a place on the MBA programme, but the competition is fierce.
Your Answer:
I wish I were offered a place.
I hope I am offered a place.
5. I’ve been working in this job for 5 years without a pay rise.
Your Answer:
I wish they would give me a pay rise.
I hope they give me a pay rise.
6. My football team has not scored a goal all season.
Your Answer:
I wish they would score a goal.
I hope they score a goal.

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